Using SMPTE SLAVE, it is possible to record to timecode that is not
playing at nominal speed, only if Digital Sync is set to Internal.. In this
case, the DPS24 can record in sync with a fluctuating timecode source
and will subsequently play back accurately. This is useful when run-
ning the DPS24 alongside analogue reel-to-reel MTRs that can exhibit
less than perfect play speeds.
One important thing to consider when working with timecode that is less than perfect is that
if something recorded to off-speed timecode but is subsequently played with perfect timecode, the
playback will alter. For example, imagine you record to timecode that is running 1% slow - the DPS24
will record 1% slow and will playback in sync to that external, off-speed timecode. However, if you
subsequently play that recording back to perfect timecode, it will play back 1% faster. The same applies
when playing back "wild", i.e. without external sync,
BIT DEPTH The options are 16-bit or 24-bit. This sets the bit-depth for any subse-
quent recordings you make. A project can contain recordings made at
different bit depths.
If this parameter is changed after recording, it does not affect the bit
depth of the existing recordings.
These and other SETUP settings are saved to disk as part of the current project and will
subsequently be recalled when that project is loaded.
The soft keys on the main setup page are:
DISK [F1] Takes you to pages where you can manage your disk drive(s) with func-
tions such as formatting, copying, etc..
TEMPO [F2] Takes you to a page where you can set tempo maps. This functionality
is only really necessary if you are synchronising an external sequencer
to the DPS24 and need to have tempo changes in the song.
PREFS [F3] Takes you to a page where you can set certain preferences.
U-BANK [F4] Takes you to a page where you can set up the USER BANK of faders.
MMC [F5] Takes you to a page where you can set up the MMC operation mode.
OS [F6] This takes you to a page where you can update the DPS24's operating
system software.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual