ADDING EFFECTS T O A CONTROL ROOM MONITOR MIXVery often, vocalists like to hear reverb on their vocals during the track laying process in
order to have their performance 'flattered'. However, it's not a good idea to commit the re-
verb to disk at that stage.
To record a vocal coming in on Input 1 to Track 4 dry but with reverb 'monitoring'...
1. Route Input 1 to Group 4, select Track 4 for record.
2. Monitor the vocal line via Disk Channel 4.
3. Add a hint of reverb to Disk Channel 4. Route that reverb's FX RETURN to the L/R bus....
The vocal will be recorded 'dry' but the vocal reverb will be heard on the control room moni-
tors and headphone output.
ADDING EFFECTS TO A FOLDBACK MIX Similarly, vocalists working in a vocal booth like to hear their voice with reverb in their
headphones during the track laying process.
Using the same example as above and assuming AUX 3 and/or 4 are being used as pre-fade
foldback mix outputs to the STUDIO outputs connected to a suitable headphone monitoring
1. Route Input 1 to Group 4, select Track 4 for record.
2. Monitor the vocal line via Disk Channel 4.
3. Use pre-fade AUX3/4 Send of Disk Channel 4 to send the vocal to the STUDIO outputs.
4. Add a hint of reverb to Disk Channel 4 but send the reverb return to the STUDIO outputs
through pre-fade AUX 3/4 of the FX1 RETURN channel...
The dry signal will be recorded to disk, the vocalist will hear the backing track and his vocal
via AUX 3/4 through the STUDIO outputs - he will also hear reverb on his vocal.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual