EFFECTS SEND/RETURN LEVELSEffects levels are governed by the amount sent to them via the FX sends on each channel. The
MASTER FX/AUX SEND levels, however, are set using the default assignments in the USER
BANK on Faders 1-4 (FX Sends 1-4) and Faders 5-8 (AUX Sends 1-4).
By default (Reset Mixer), all Master Send levels (AUX and FX) are set to 0dB.
The FX RETURNS (by default) appear on Faders 9-12 of the GROUP/FX Fader Bank and can
have their levels automated and they may be muted and solo'd as on any other channel.
They can also be configured to use the FX/AUX sends so that effects can be sent to effects to
create effects chains. However, they cannot be EQ'd. If you want to EQ (or otherwise process
an effects return), the outputs of the effects channel should be patched to the inputs (see the
description of the PATCH pages).
You can also view the position of all the Master Send and Return faders in either the MIXER
page (Select: LEVEL) or the MIXER / MIXVIEW / INPUTS/FX/GROUPS page.
SETTING UP MULTI-EFFECTS Although some effects are multi-effects (chorus+delay, for example), these are essentially quite
simple - useful but basic. However, it is possible to set up complex multi effects by sending FX
returns to other FX channels. For example, with the following combination of effects...
FX1 Chorus
FX2 Phaser
FX3 Ping-Pong Delay
FX4 Large Hall
By sending a proportion of FX1 RETURN to FX2 (i.e. via FX2 send on the FX1 RETURN channel),
you can add some phasing to the chorused sound. By sending a proportion of FX2 RETURN to
FX3, echo can be added to that and by sending a proportion of FX3 RETURN to FX, reverb can be
added. With combinations of pre- and post-fade sends, a great deal of flexibility is offered.
However, please note that the sends for the FX RETURN channels need to be configured to do
this because, by default, the FX SENDS on the FX RETURNS are disabled.
RECORDING EFFECTS To actually record something with effects (i.e. commit the effects to disk during the track
laying process), route the appropriate effects return channel to disk via the groups just like
any normal channel.
For example, to record a pad sound coming in on Input Channel 4 with stereo chorus and
reverb to Track 7/8....
1. Use FX1 and FX2 Sends to send a proportion of Input 4 to FX1 and 2 set up as chorus and
reverb respectively. Route Input 4 to Group 7/8
2. In the GROUP/FX fader bank, route FX RETURN 1 and 2 to Group 7/8 as well (you might
also like to send a bit of FX 1 RETURN to FX2 so that the chorus has a hint of reverb too).
Balance the FX return against the 'dry' signal on Input 4.
3. Select Tracks 7/8 for record....
Input 4 AND the FX RETURNS will be recorded to tracks 7/8.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual