Pressing RESET MIXER will reset the entire mixer to 'flat' according to the option selected in
ALL Will reset all controls (faders, pans, sends, EQ, channel dynamics chan-
nel on/off, FX/MBCX settings, etc.)
STATIC ONLY Will reset all static controls (EQ, channel dynamics, FX/MBCX settings)
NO FADERS Will reset all controls except the faders It is also possible to automate
scene recalls - that is, as the dynamic automation is running, scenes can
be recalled at any time as part of the automation. Recalling a scene re-
calls all the selected parameters (ALL, STATIC or NO FADERS) for all
Mixer Channels and all FX channels.
EQ, DYNAMICS and FX Snapshots recall can also be automated for individual channels.
SCENE and SNAPSHOT automation is described later in this Manual in the AUTOMATION section.


The DPS24's dynamic mixer automation uses Scene 00 as its reference point. If the automation is
switched ON, whenever you press PLAY at any point in the project, the automation refers to Scene 00
so that it knows where it should be and what automation data it should be playing.
This means that Scene 00 sets the initial mix settings for the project. If you subsequently change any
of the parameters that are not dynamically automated, these will be reset to Scene 00's settings when
you press play.
As an example, Scene 00 in your project has all channels' EQ set 'flat' (i.e. no EQ applied).
Someway through the project, however, you adjust one channel's EQ. When you press PLAY, that
channel's EQ will be reset to the settings stored in Scene 00. Another example is that you set a pair of
channels to be linked as a stereo pair at some point and set each channel's pan position to hard left and
right respectively - when you press PLAY, if that link and the pan positions have not been saved into
Scene 00, they will be reset.
In other words, if you make a change that you like to any parameters that are not dynami-
cally automated, ensure that you store the changes in Scene 00 so that they are recalled with
the dynamic automation.

v1.6 Operator’s Manual