TRANSPORT KEYSA standard transport key layout is provided. The functions are:
REWIND Rewinds the project at x10 normal play speed.
Fast forwards the project at x10 normal play speed.
Pressing REWIND or FAST FORWARD when a project is playing will
rewind or fast forward it at x5 speed with 'tape chatter' as on an ana-
logue reel-to-reel.
This can be changed in SETUP / PREFERENCES by setting the "Shuttle
X5 mode" parameter from "LATCHED" to "MOMENTAR Y", as described
later in this manual.
STOP Stops playback, rewind, fast forward, etc..
PLAY Plays the selected project. Pressing PLAY whilst recording will cause
the DPS24 to drop-out of record.
RECORD This allows you to record. To drop into record whilst the pr oject is play-
ing, press and hold PLAY and then simultaneously press RECORD (i.e.
like a normal MTR). You can also start recording from stopped - press
and hold RECORD and simultaneously press PLAY. Recording will be-
gin as soon as playback commences.
To drop out of record, simply PLAY or STOP.
You can also abort recording at any time by pressing SHIFT+RECORD.
This will drop out of record and will delete the recording from the project
and from disk.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual