If a file already exists on the CD/harddisk with the same name as a file to be exported, a dialog
will pop-up allowing the user to auto-rename the file. Auto-renaming consists of appending an
incremental number onto the filename (e.g. 'export.wav' -> 'export 2.wav' -> 'export 3.wav').
For harddisks it is possible to overwrite the existing file by selecting NO [F5] at the auto-rename
prompt. It is NOT possible to overwrite files on a CD, instead, if NO is selected, the exported file
will have the same name as the existing file and will be inaccessible on most systems.
If there are already files on the Destination disk, you will see that data on the display.
If the selected drive is a HD drive, you will be able to browse the files and folders on that
disk, Open and Close folders using F4 and F5, create and rename folders and sub-folders,
and even rename or delete individual files via the UTILS [F3] menu.
If the selected drive is a CD drive, you will be able to EJECT [F5] the disc or ERASE [F4] the
disc if it is a CD-RW media.
If the selected drive is a CD drive, you can also see the type and status of the Disc at the top
right of the screen. The various types are: No Disc, Audio CD, Data CD, ISO9660 CD and the
various states are (Blank), (Open) or (Closed).
The DPS24 can only export audio files to ISO9660 CDs that are (Blank) or (Open).
With an ISO9660 CD, you will only see the Root directory of the disk, but you will be able to
add a Folder in the Root directory using MAKE [F3]. However, only a single level of folders
is supported for CD export.
If the selected drive is a CD drive, you will also be able to select SLOW or FAST Write Speed
[Q3] and to switch the Test Write mode ON/OFF [Q4].
When ready, just go ahead and export the selected tracks/region by pressing EXPORT [F6].
The following EXPORT AUDIO prompt will be displayed for confirmation, for instance:
Are you sure you want to
EXPORT 5 tracks to: 1 stereo file
and 3 mono files?
If you press OK [F1], the files will simply be written to the selected folder of the disk as
individual mono,stereo or multi-channel files.
The display will keep you informed of the progress of the Export process until Export is Completed.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual