You can update the OS of the DPS24 from an ISO CD in the Internal CD drive (IDE#1).
However, you also have the option to update your DPS24 OS from any connected drive - any
valid drives will show up in the Upgrade Device [Q2] field (including SCSI and HOST drives).
You have the option to browse the contents of the selected drive to select the OS you want to
upgrade to.
Select the drive where your OS is stored and use BROWSE [F6] to navigate your way to it.
Once the OS file selected, press UPGRADE - the new OS will be loaded into the DPS24's FlashROM.
You can also update the OS via USB using the free OS Loader utility software (for PC only, MS-DOS).
In this case, set Upgrade Device field to USB and follow the step-by-step instructions found in the
Appendix section.
However, please note that updating the OS via USB from a Windows PC or Macintosh OS X
computer by using the free akSysServer utility and selecting a HOST drive in the Upgrade
Device field is much more user-friendly than using the MS-DOS prompt.
You can check the current O/S Version in the main SETUP page.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual