Here, you find the following functions:
EXT SYNC This allows you to synchonize the DPS24 with external devices.
When the key is pressed (and the LED illuminated), it enables the Time
Sync synchronization setting (Master or Slave, MIDI or SMPTE).
If Time Sync is set to MTC Slave or SMPTE Slave, the DPS24 will not
play and/or record unless it is receiving external timecode.
If Time Sync is set to MTC Master or MIDI Clock Out, sync will not be
sent to the MIDI output unless the EXT SYNC key is enabled.
It's SHIFT function allows you to set a timecode offset.
MAIN SCREEN This is the main operating screen that one normally works in.
It shows the project name, meters and an overview of the project.
It's SHIFT function (GRID) shows an enlarged project display.
EDIT Allows you to edit audio with functions such as copy, cut, paste, etc..
This mode's SHIFT function gives access to the DPS24's off-line DSP
functions such as timestretch, pitch shift, etc..
MIXER Allows access to Mixer and Channel views, Solo and FX/AUX setup.
Its SHIFT function shows the PATCH pages where you may route sig-
nals within the DPS24.
AUTOMATE Provides access to the DPS24's automation functions.
FX Takes you to the effects pages where you may select and edit the DPS24's
internal effects.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual