Section 6: CS 5 IU Interpreter Station
6.4 Using the Interpreter Station
•Before powering the system up, set the MICROPHONE switch on each Interpreter Station to "OFF" to avoid "broadcasting" any unofficial conversations.
Upon system
•the display shows the message "SYSTEM STARTING…" until synchronization is completed. Once synchronization is finished, the display shows the main menu.
•the microphone input is automatically routed to output A and the red LED above OUTPUT SELECT key <A> is lit. The microphone will be open only if the MICROPHONE switch is in its center position ("ON"). When the micro- phone is open, the red LED on the microphone arm will be lit.
•if the MICROPHONE switches on both Interpreter Stations are in their "ON" positions, the microphone on the In- terpreter Station with the lower (odd) address will be opened. The microphone on the Interpreter Station with the higher (even) address will be muted. On the active Interpreter Station, the red LED above the active OUTPUT SE- LECT key and the red LED on the microphone arm will be lit, while the corresponding LEDs on the other Interpreter Station will remain dark.
Instruct the interpreters how to use the Interpreter Stations:
1.Select your source language:
•If the person using the floor microphone speaks your source language, press <FLOOR>. You will hear the floor talker on your headphones and the display shows the message "FLOOR".
•If you need your colleagues' relay, press <RELAY>. On your headphones, you will hear the voice of the inter- preter working into the relay language. The display shows the message "RELAY".
The microphone signal will be automatically routed to output A.
•To select one of the other available source languages, press <INPUT/A> or <INPUT/B>. You will hear the se- lected language on your headphones and the display indicates the selected language".
2.Use the VOLUME, BASS, and TREBLE controls to adjust the headphone volume and sound for optimum intelligibility. These controls also set the volume and sound of the loudspeaker on the Interpreter Station.
3.Select your target language:
•To interpret from the floor language (e.g., English) into your booth's target language (e.g., Portuguese), check that output A is selected (the red LED above the OUTPUT SELECT <A> key is lit). If it is not, press <A>.
•If a speaker of your booth's target language (e.g., Portuguese) takes the floor and you are required to interpret into the relay language (e.g., English), press <B> to select output B. The red LED above the OUTPUT SELECT <B> key is lit and the headphones are automatically switched to the floor channel.
(Tech note: The floor channel is automatically fed to the language channel selected for output A to save dele- gates the trouble of having to switch their headphones to the floor channel.)
Note: Pressing an OUTPUT SELECT key on one control panel will route the other control panel (which becomes a "slave" to the first panel) in the booth to the same output channel. The appropriate LED on the "slave" control panel will be lit accordingly.
4.Controlling the microphones:
•The interpreter who agreed to begin opens their microphone by setting the MICROPHONE switch to "ON" and the other interpreter switches their microphone OFF (unless it is off already). The red LED on the open micro- phone and the red LED above the active OUTPUT SELECT key are lit.
•Make sure never to switch both microphones in your booth ON simultaneously. If you do, only one mi- crophone will be activated and the other muted automatically, so the wrong microphone may come on.
• When it is time to relieve your colleague, you can do so in one of two ways:
-Method 1: the interpreter on duty switches their microphone OFF (the red LED on the microphone goes out) and the other interpreter switches their microphone ON (the red LED on the microphone comes on).
CS 5 User Manual | - 34 - |