AT-FH812u and AT-FH824u Software
Table 1 System Configuration Commands
Menu Description
System Information Provides system description, including MIB identifier and other
Restart Hub Resets management agent for all hubs in stack or for selected
Exit Exits the configuration program.
Configuration Panels
System Configuration Configures IP parameters, including address, subnet mask,
gateway, SLIP IP, default bootup IP, and maximum number of
Telnet sessions.
SNMP Configuration Configures communities and trap managers.
Hub Configuration Displays hardware/firmware versions for hub, isolates/attaches
hub's repeater segments, and shows if Agent Module or
Internal Switch Module are installed. If Agent Module is
installed, shows its bootup option, MAC address and hardware/
firmware versions. If Internal Switch Module is installed,
displays its hardware version and shows if enabled/disabled.
Port Configuration Disables/enables any port; sets communication mode to 10 or
100 Mbps, or auto-negotiation.
RMON Configuration Enables/disables RMON for 10 or 100 Mbps segments,
attaches Agent Module to 10 or 100 Mbps segment, and
activates full 9 RMON groups for the segment the Agent
Module is attached to.
TFTP Download Downloads new firmware version to update Agent Module over
the network.
XMODEM Download Downloads new firmware to update Agent Module via a
console interface.
User Passwords Sets Administrator and Guest names and passwords used for
system access.
Console Configuration Sets console time-out, and refresh period for displayed
Statistics Panels
Repeater Statistics Displays network performance for 10 and 100 Mbps stack
Hub Statistics Displays network performance for each hub in the stack.
Port Statistics Displays network performance for the selected port.