2) At this point pressing any one of the four CUE BUTTONS
(6) will store your cue point into memory (Figure 21), and the yellow Cue Memory LED will shut off.
3) Repeat steps one and two to store up to four Cue Points. Once all your four cue points have been stored you may access them at any time.
4) During playback the cue points will instantly start without any music interruption. During play or pause mode accessing a stored cue point will cue to that point in pause mode.
Figure 21
A seamless loop is a sound loop that plays continuously without sound interruption. You can use this loop to create dramatic effect in your mixing. This loop has no time limit and you could actually loop the entire length of disc. You create a seamless loop between two continuous points of a disc. The following steps illustrate the procedures for creating a seamless loop:
1) Press the PLAY/PAUSE BUTTON (29) to activate playback mode.
Figure 22
2) Press the IN
Figure 23
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