SUMMARY: With UV (under voltage control of the main disconnect) energized, the
•STATE 2 - The tumbler (basket) temperature has risen “ABOVE” SHLC (Sprinkler High Limit Controller) preset trip value. With power is applied to SHLC:
•SHLC set point will open
•SHLC alarm will close
•#2CR (#2 control relay) will become energized
•S11 will be energized (sprinkler valve open)
•L4 (light #4) will be energized (sprinkler valve open)
•SP2 will activate alarm horn.
•#2CR “B” will open.
•SHLC alarm relay will toggle, causing the alarm contact to close and activate 2CR’s (control relay’s) coil. This action will;
•Open 2CR “B” causing UV, the “under voltage” trip feature of the
•Latch 2CR “A” “ON” to eliminate any automatic reset of the sprinkler solenoid.
•Energize the “SPRINKLER ON” air solenoid.
•Sound sprinkler alarm horn.
NOTE: The sprinkler circuit will not reset until the
•STATE 3 - The tumbler (basket) temperature is still “ABOVE” SHLC (Sprinkler High Limit Controller) preset value and PB #10 (push button #10) “Sprinkler Reset” has been pushed and held “IN.” With power still applied to the SHLC:
•#3CR will energize
•S12 will energize
•#3CR “A” will open
•#2CR will
•L4 will go off
•SP2 will go off
SUMMARY: #3CR’s (#3 control relay’s) coil will energize causing:
•3CR “A” will open and remove power from 2CR, S11, L4 and SP2.
•S12 “sprinkler off” air solenoid will activate turning off the actuated sprinkler valve.
IMPORTANT: If the tumbler (basket) temperature is still “ABOVE” SHLC (Sprinkler High Limit Controller) preset value, and the “SPRINKLER RESET” button is released the water valve will open again. (Refer to STATE 2 above.) If the tumbler (basket) temperature is “BELOW” the SHLC preset value when the “SPRINKLER RESET” button is released, the water valve will remain closed. (Refer to STATE 1 on page 56.)