Technical Considerations
Technical Considerations
Denormalized Numbers
Instead of using only normalized numbers and allowing this small gap around 0, PowerPC
The use of denormalized numbers makes the following statement true for all real numbers:
Another advantage of denormalized numbers is that error analysis involving small values is much easier without the gap around zero (Demmel 1984). The computer determines that a
An Infinity is a special bit pattern that can arise in one of two ways:
■When an operation (such as 1/0) should produce a mathematical infinity, the result is an Infinity.
■When an operation attempts to produce a number with a magnitude too great for the numberÕs intended
These bit patterns (as well as NaNs, introduced next) are recognized in subsequent operations and produce predictable results. The Infinities, one positive and one negative, generally behave as suggested by the theory of limits. For example:
■Adding 1 to +° yields +°
■Dividing 1 by
The computer determines that a
iMalc Manual