iMalc Manual
This section covers registration issues, such as the shareware
concept, pricing, how to register and methods of payment.
You must register iMalc and pay the shareware fee if you
intend to continue using iMalc.
iMalc is shareware. So what is shareware? Firstly, shareware is
NOT free software. You have to pay for it like everything else.
Shareware is a method of software distribution that allows
software authors to share their endeavours with you in a cheap
and easy way.
Shareware is effectively try before you buy. This means that you
can try the software free for a trial period before deciding
whether you want to keep on using the software. A period of 30
days is reasonable. After 20 uses, iMalc will start reminding you
to register. After the trial period, if you decide to keep on using
iMalc you must register and pay the shareware fee, or you must
delete iMalc and its associated files from your hard drive.
Shareware also means you can share a program with a friend, so
long as you give them all of the files that accompany iMalc. They,
of course, like you, have to pay a shareware fee if they continue
to use the software.
Most shareware authors donÕt earn a fortune. But the fees they
do receive provide an incentive to keep producing and updating
software that might otherwise be unavailable. Shareware relies
on your honesty to succeed.
