iMalc Manual
The following software licenses are available:
Single user licenses:
No of copies Price
1-9 US$15 (£10) per copy
10-19 US$12 per copy
20+ US$10 per copy
Site license:
US$300 (roughly equal to 30 users)
A Site License covers all locations for your organization within a
160 kilometre radius of your site (100 miles). The big advantage
of a Site License is that you do not need to keep track of how
many people at your site are using the software.
World-Wide License:
US$1,000 (roughly equal to 100 users)
A World-Wide license covers all locations for your organization on
the planet earth. Other planets and satellites, such as the moon,
require a separate World-Wide License. ;-) For licensing
purposes, anything in orbit around a planet is considered part of
the planet. However if you intend using iMalc in orbit, you should
contact Eyecatcher as the author will need to be on the mission
to check that the software is functioning correctly in weightless
conditions. No kidding.
If you are an impoverished student, school, college, university or
other academic institution then the following rates apply:
Academic Single user licenses:
No of copies Price
1-9 US$10 per copy
10-19 US$8 per copy
20+ US$5 per copy
Academic Site license:
US$200 (roughly equal to 30 users)
Payment covers all future versions of iMalc.
For details on how to register and pay see the next two sections.