denormalized numbers 37, 38 | iMalc Help window 11 |
display 23 | iMalc Preferences file 14, 25 |
double 35 | indicators 23 |
INF 5 | |
drag and drop 4 | Infinities 37, 38 |
| Inside Macintosh 31, 58 |
E | institution 46 |
Edit menu 15 | Interface 7 |
email 12 | inverse 19, 21, 25 |
Enter 24 | inverse key 19 |
equals 3, 22 |
Error codes 5, 42 | K |
Errors 32 | Kagi 47, 48 |
Escape 25 | keyboard 5, 24 |
Exception Handling 34 |
exponent 23, 37 | L |
exponential 23 | latest version 44 |
Eyecatcher 53 | Legal Information 54 |
e^x 20, 22 | Lime iMalc 27 |
| log 22 |
F | log (base 10) 22 |
fee 45 | log functions 3, 22 |
flavour 5, 26 | logarithm 19 |
Flavour menu 5, 16, 26 | Logarithm to base 10 key 20 |
Flavours 26 | logic 3, 21 |
long double 35 | |
FPCE 34 |
function keys 18 | M |
functions 40 | M+ key 3, 19, 22 |
future 44 | M- key 4, 19, 22 |
| Mac HyperArchive 44 |
G | mantissa 37 |
G3Calc 29 | memory 3 |
gradients 22, 42 | memory indicator 4, 18 |
Grape iMalc 27 | Memory keys 18 |
grow box 19 | memory minus 19, 21 |
| memory plus 19, 21 |
H | memory recall 19, 21 |
Help menu 17 | Menus 15 |
Hidden functions 4, 22 | MR key 3, 19, 22 |
Human Interface Guidelines 7 |
| N |
I | NAN 5 |
I Paid button 14 | NaNs 37, 39 |
Icons 7 | Natural logarithm 20, 22 |
IEEE 31, 58 | normalized numbers 37 |
imaginary 5 | Number keys 18, 20 |
iMalc 54 | numbers 40 |
iMalc features 1 | numerical limitations 31 |
iMalc Manual