A Note about Volume Control
Rarely will you want to turn up the Sonic Blasters volume pots all the way. The settings described in step 10 should provide you with a good top-end volume.
Control the volume range with the volume knob of your amplifier (if connected) or the volume knob of the speakers (if equipped).
Most well-written games and sound programs will allow you to control the volume from inside the program. If not, control it using the methods above.
The volume setting in the IIGS Control Panel will control the output of the GS internal speaker and earphone jack but will have no effect on speakers connected to the Sonic Blaster connector.
Now What?
Now your Sonic Blaster is ready to 

Boot up your favorite GS-specific game and hear the roar. The. Sonic Blaster greatly enhances the sound of GS games and other programs that use the Ensoniq chip. Such games as Tomahawk™, Zany Golf™, Silent Service™, Fourth and Inches™ and Winter Games™ take on a whole new dimension when played through Sonic Blaster.
Boot up the included Super Hi-Res software to put the card through its loops. Sonic Blaster’s software is very easy to use but you’ll probably want to at least read the Introduction of Part II to get an idea of what it can do.
10 Sonic Blaster - The Hardware