Save (

Use this option to save changes you have made to a file, if you have just created the file, you will be presented with the Save As.. . dialog box (see Save As... below), if you made changes to a file that already has a name, the file will be saved under the same name.
*Note: If you try to save changes to a locked file you’ll be told that the file is locked and asked if you want to replace it with the new information anyway. If you answer Yes, the new file will replace the old and the file will be locked again. If you select No, no save will be made.
Save As...
Save As... gives you a chance to name an untitled file or save an already named file with a different name and /or under a different format.
When this option is selected, you’re shown a dialog box like the one shown below:
Current Disk
Catalog Window
File Formats
Save as screen
S c r o l l t h r o u g h t h e d i s k c a t a l o g by moving the thumb in the scroll bar or by clicking on the up or down arrows.
Disks online will be displayed in turn as you dick this box. The name of the currently selected disk is displayed at the top of the catalog screen (AEROM/SOUNDS in the example above). The amount available and total amount are also displayed (551 free out of 3199 in the example).
The "File” Options | 25 |