If the disk you want to save to is not currently online, eject a disk, that is, if no other drive is available, and insert the correct disk into the drive. The disk will be found as you circulate back through the online disks.

*Note: If you discover that there is not enough room on your data disk to store the file, you can save to another formatted disk or Cancel the Save and make more

room on the disk by using Delete from the Edit menu

to get rid of any unwanted files. If the file is too large to fit on a single floppy, you’ll need to break it up into several files and save to multiple disk. Refer to App. E for instructions.

New Folders can be created with the name that is in the title box when you click the New Folder option. If a file or folder already has that name, a new folder will not be created. Once the folder is created, you can double click on it to open, name your sound sample, and then save it in the new folder.

Open folders by selecting them in the catalog window and clicking this button or by double clicking on them in the catalog window.

C l o s e the folder you currently have open by clicking this option or by clicking on the pathname located above the catalog window.

S a v e the sound file by the name that is currently in the Save Wave As: box when you click this button. The file will be saved to the directory currently selected in the format selected.

*Note~ As stated earlier, if you try to save changes to a locked file you’ll be told that the file is locked and asked if you want to replace it with the new information anyway. If you answer Yes, the new file will replace the old and the file will be locked again. If you select No, no save will be made.

Cancel returns you to the edit mode.

Formats Recognized

The Sonic Blaster software lets you play and save sound files from and to many different formats. It uses it’s own format (AE), Apple’s standard sound file format (AIFF), Raw Data format (straight binary form), and 2:1 and 2.67:1 compressed.

26 Sonic Blaster -The Software