The Effects options affect only the segment of the currently selected window that you have highlighted by clicking and dragging.
*Note: When working with stereo files, you can select the channel on which you want the effects to take place with the Effects Channel option in the Setup Menu. You're given the options Display Channel, and Both Channels. You can, for example, echo Channel 1 while Channel 2 remains unaffected.
The Effects Channel option cannot be selected when working with a mono file. In mono files, all effects will affect the single mono channel.
A m p l i f y . . .
First select the segment you want to amplify. Then select this option from the menu. A window will appear allowing you to select the percent of amplification (200% is twice as loud).
*Note: When you increase the amplitude you also increase the level of noise you have recorded. For the cleanest sound, make sure that your recording levels are set high enough to capture the sound but not high enough to dip the sound. See Trouble Shooting in the Appendices.
The selected segment will be
E c h o . . .
A window will appear allowing you to set the Echo Amplification and the Echo Interval.
Ch. 5 - The "Effects" Options | 37 |