The “File” Options

Click and hold on the File menu on the left side of the menu bar. You'll be presented with the following options:

New (-N)

The New command creates a sound graph at the bottom part of the screen with the name Untitled# (where # is an appended number). New graphs are a good scratchpad on which to combine different sound files. The new sound graph will have 626 bytes of silence when in mono mode or 1252 bytes of silence in stereo mode. (Choose between mono or stereo with the Record Channel option under the Setup menu before opening a new window.)

You’ll almost always want to get rid of the silence by choosing Select All (-A) before pasting in a section you have copied or cut from another file.

*Note: The program automatically opens a new, empty window when you record. Before recording:

1)Go to the Setup menu to set your Record Channel option for mono or stereo record,

2)Set your record level automatically using Auto Gain (under the setup menu) or set it manually using the VU meters and Record Level bar on screen or the Oscilloscope screen (under the View menu).

3)If you have several windows open, you may want to close them (save if desired) to compress the available memory and get a larger Max Block onto which you can record.

Open (-O)

The Open command allows you to load a prerecorded sound file stored on disk.

*Note: Because sound files are memory intensive, they take longer to load than do text files. You will find the load time greatly decreased by copying the files to and loading them from a RAM or ROM disk.

The "File" Options