Start, Look, and Listen

Sonic Blaster’s software has a Mac-like interface that makes the program’s use extremely intuitive. If you’ve experienced the GS’ Finder or if you’ve ever used a Macintosh before, you’ll be familiar with many of the menu options and how to use them.

You should already be comfortable with such phrases as “Click and Drag,” “Full-Down Menus,” “Select,””Eat all your vegetables,””I have to wash my hair,” and “Can you hold?’---. If the first three terms sound foreign to you, you’ll need to refer to the IIGS User’s Manual or the IIGS Guided Tour disk that were provided with your computer.

About the Sonic Blaster Disks

The startup disk contains the GS/OS files necessary to run the program and access your disk drives. The entire GS/OS system is not included. We recommend that you see your Apple dealer for upgrading to GS/OS if you don’t have it already.

The second disk, Audio Art, contains several sound files we’ve made for you to experiment with.

Running the Software

Before you run the software, do the following:

1)Make a copy of the Sonic Blaster disk.

Use either System Utilities (included on your GS System disk), the Finder, Filer or your favorite copy program to make the copy.

*Note: From here on, when we refer to the Sonic Blaster disk, we mean the COPY you have just made.

2)Copy the program to your hard disk, ROM disk or RAM disk if you plan to run it from any of those locations.

For information on loading the program to your ROM disk, RAM disk, or hard disk see Appendix A.

3)Format several disks under ProDOS so you’ll have a place to save your “work.” (Sonic Blaster does not support formatting.)

Intro. - Start, Look, and Listen