access card, 8.12
accessories, A.3
AC/DC power supply, A.5
activate receiver, 10.6
adjust audio settings, 8.3-8.4
adjust video settings, 8.5
advanced setup, 8.11-8.12
amperage, fuse, 10.5
Antenna light, 9.7, 10.10-10.11
antenna unit
connect to receiver, A.4
controls, 9.3-9.10
current settings, 9.3
diagnostics, 10.12
repair, 10.9
serial number, 10.13
software versions, 10.14
status, 10.12
turn on, 2.3
turn off, 2.5
APG load type, 8.10
arrows, in program guide, 5.5
aspect ratio, 8.5
audio adjustment, 8.3-8.4
AUDIO button, 3.7
audio/video input, 10.7
audio/video system repair, 10.9
automatic satellite switching, 9.8
Auto Set, 6.5
A/V jacks, A.5
backlight, 3.3, 3.8
balance, audio, 8.4
banner style, 8.10
batteries, remote control, 3.11
beeping, receiver, 2.4, 9.5, 10.4
54-0376 A-C
blockage, 1.6, 10.3
buttons, remote control, 3.3-3.8
cable status, 10.12
cabling diagrams, A.3
Category Filter, 6.7
caution, 3.3, 10.9, A.3
center the menu, 8.5
CH button, 3.6
change channels, 2.5
change remote ID, 3.10-3.11
channel banner, 4.3, 8.10
check mark, in program guide, 8.6
checks, simple, 10.3
choose satellites, 9.10
CLEAR button, 3.6
color scheme, menus, 8.5
colors, program guide, 5.10
commission receiver,