part numbers, accessories, A.3
passcode, 7.4
picture-in-guide, 4.4, 5.10
power indications, 10.10, 10.12
power input, 10.5, A.4-A.5
power switch, receiver, 2.3, 10.5
power off the system, 2.5
power on the system, 2.3-2.4
power supply, A.5
preferences, system, 8.9-8.10
PREV CH button, 3.6
preview channel, 10.3, 10.6, 10.7
primary receiver, 9.6, A.7
PROG button, 3.7
Program Director, 8.6-8.8
program guide
colors, meaning, 5.10
description, 4.4
download, 2.4
filter, 6.7
future programs, 6.8
load type, 8.10
preferences, 5.9-5.11
styles, 5.3-5.4
use, 5.5
program, remote control, 3.9-3.11
Purchases tab, 4.8
PWR button, 3.4
Rrain, 10.3
ratings limits, 7.5-7.6
read mail, 8.8
activation, 10.7
beeps, 2.4
connectors, A.4
description, 1.4
home, A.10-A.19
lights, 10.10-10.11
DIRECTV Mobile Receiver/Controller User’s Guide
multiple, A.3-A.21
order additional, 3.10
power switch, 2.3
primary, 9.6, A.7
repair, 10.9
secondary, 9.6, A.7
serial number, 10.13
software upgrade, 8.12
software version, 10.14
status, 10.12
Receiver light, 10.10-10.11
reception, 1.5-1.6, 10.3, 10.6
recording, DVR, A.17
recurring programs, schedule, 8.6
reload guide, 8.11
remote control
batteries, 3.11
buttons, 3.3
change ID, 3.10-3.11
description, 1.4
order a replacement, 3.8
programming, 3.9-3.11