1-3 Receiving Satellite TV Signals
Like a satellite dish used at home, the TracVision
antenna needs a clear view of the DIRECTV®
satellite(s) to receive satellite TV signals. Consider the
three essentials noted on the following pages to
ensure trouble-free reception.
Satellite Footprint
Each DIRECTV satellite is located at a fixed position
above the Earth’s equator and beams TV signals
down to North America. To receive TV signals from
one of these satellites, you must be located within its
coverage area (for example, the 101 satellite
encompasses much of the continental United States).
As you approach the edges of the coverage area, the
strength of the signal degrades, resulting in weaker
54-0376 1.5
DIRECTV 101 Satellite Location
To view satellite coverage maps, please
visit KVH’s website at www.kvh.com/