KVM Over the NET™ User Manual

The WinClient ActiveX Viewer and the WinClient AP





My KVM Over the NET™

Only units whose Access Port settings for Program (see

units don’t show up in the

page 148) match the number specified for Port in the

Server List window when

Server area of this dialog box appear in the Server List

I start the WinClient AP

window. Make sure that your entry for Port matches the


entry you have specified for Program on the Device


Management Network page.



The WinClient ActiveX

DirectX 8.0 or higher must be installed on your client

Viewer and the WinClient


AP won't connect to the


KVM Over the NET™






After upgrading the

The old version of your .ocx file was not deleted. You must

firmware, the WinClient

delete the old file. There are two methods to delete the file.

ActiveX Viewer or

1. For the ActiveX Viewer: Open IE Tools Manage

WinClient AP do not run.

Add-ons. Delete or disable all occurrences of WinClient.



2. For the WinClient AP: Open Explorer and search for


WinClient.ocx. Delete all occurrences.



Part of the remote

1. Perform an Auto Sync (see WinClient Control Panel

window is off my monitor.

Functions, page 54 for details).


2. If Keep Screen Size is not enabled (see Screen Options,


page 83), use the AutoSync feature (see Video Settings,


page 66), to sync the local and remote monitors.


3. If Keep Screen Size is enabled, you can scroll to the


areas that are off screen.



The remote screen is

Enable Keep Screen Size (see Control Panel

rotated 90 degrees.

Configuration, page 82).



I cannot run Net Meeting

Enable Keep Screen Size (see Control Panel

when the WinClient is

Configuration, page 82).





After logging in I can’t

1. You don’t have the authority to install the WinClient Con-

open the WinClient

trol add-on on your client computer. Have the person

ActiveX viewer.

with administrator privileges on your client computer run


the program the first time to get it installed. It will open


for you after that.


2. Under Vista, you must also add the switch’s URL


address to the list of trusted sites: Tools Internet


Options Security Trusted Sites Sites.