KVM Over the NET™ User Manual





When I log in with my Mac

There are two automatic Mouse DynaSync settings: the

system, the local and

default, and Mac2. If mouse synchronization is not

remote mouse pointers do

satisfactory with the default, try the Mac 2 setting. See

not sync.

the Note on page 81 for details.



When I log in with my Sun

Automatic Mouse DynaSync sync only supports USB

system, the local and

mice on Windows and Mac (G4 or higher) systems. You

remote mouse pointers do

must sync the pointers manually. See Mouse DynaSync

not sync

Mode, page 80, and Manual Mouse Synchronization,


page 81, for further details.


After doing the above, refer to Sun / Linux, page 250,


under Additional Mouse Synchronization Procedures for


further steps to take.



When I log in with my Linux

Automatic Mouse DynaSync sync only supports USB

system, the local and

mice on Windows and Mac (G4 or higher) systems. You

remote mouse pointers do

must sync the pointers manually. See Mouse DynaSync

not sync.

Mode, page 80, Manual Mouse Synchronization,


page 81, and Mac and Linux Considerations, page 81,


for further details.


After doing the above, refer to Sun / Linux, page 250,


(under Additional Mouse Synchronization Procedures),


for further steps to take.