ATA6264 [Preliminary]
Necessary for operation:
VEVZ = 5.5V to 40V or VK30 = 5.5V to 40V, VCP > VEVZ + 7V or VCP > VK30 + 7V, VPERI >VCORE – 0.3V, VINT = 3.7V to 5.47V
Operating conditions of all other supply pins:
VSAT is within functional range limits, Tj = –40°C to 150°COther pins:
As defined in Section 4. ”Functional Range” on page 8.
Table 12-1. Electrical Characteristics – VCORE Power SupplyNo. Parameters Test Conditions Pin Symbol Min Typ. Max. Unit Type*
11.1 VEVZ voltage for the VCORE
regulator to start running
Initial programming:
VVCORE = 5V or 2.5V EVZ VEVZ 7.5 9 V A
VVPERI voltage for the
VCORE regulator to start
Initial programming:
VVCORE = 1.88V VPERI VVPERI 1.25 1.7 V A
11.2 VEVZ voltage for the VCORE
regulator to stop running
Initial programming:
VVCORE = 5V or 2.5V EVZ VEVZ 5.5 6.2 V A
Hysteresis at VPERI for the
VCORE regulator to stop
Initial programming:
VVCORE = 1.88V VPERI VHYS 50 150 mV A
11.3 Switch-on time via pin EVZ SVCORE tSVCORE 020µsA
11.4 Switch-off time via pin EVZ SVCORE tSVCORE 010µsA
11.5 Regulator switching
See numbers 8.1 and 8.2
of Table 9-1 on page 27 SVCORE fSVCORE A
11.6 Output current limit SVCORE ISVCORE 0.7 0.9 A A
11.7 RDson of output transistor SVCORE RSVCORE 1.2 ΩA
11.8 Output voltage #1
VVCORE1 programmed,
band-gap tolerance
VCORE VVCORE1 –4% 5.0 +4% V A
11.9 Output voltage #2
VVCORE2 programmed,
band-gap tolerance
VCORE VVCORE2 –4% 2.5 +4% V A
11.10 Output voltage #3
VVCORE3 programmed,
band-gap tolerance
VCORE VVCORE3 –4% 1.88 +4% V A
11.11 Output transistor switch-on
Time between reaching
0.1 × (VK30max – VVCOREmin)
0.9 × (VK30max – VVCOREmin)
0.1 × (VEVZmax – VVCOREmin)
0.9 × (VEVZmax – VVCOREmin)
SVORE tSVCOREon 150 ns A
*) Type means: A = 100% tested, B = 100% correlation tested, C = Characterized on samples, D = Design parameter
Notes: 1. Depending on implementation of slope compensation, sub-harmonics have to be prevented.
2. The value of the minimum load current must be higher than the internal pull-up current at pin VCORE to ensure proper
function of the regulator.