ATA6264 [Preliminary]
Because the K1 and K2 interfaces are by default switched to ISO (LIN) mode, the commands9CF0, 9CFF, 9C00, and 9C0F default to invalid commands.Table 22-3. Key Latch CommandsDescription
MSByte LSByte
Hex Code7654321076543210
Key latch set 0011111111111111 3FFF
Key latch reset (default) 0011000000000000 3000
Table 22-4. Watchdog CommandsDescription
MSByte LSByte
Hex Code7654321076543210
Trigger watchdog 0110101001010101 6A55
Configure prescaler 0110000011110abc 60Fx
Table 22-5. Switch CommandsDescription
MSByte LSByte
Hex Code7654321076543210
Enable EVZ switching 1001101001011010 9A5A
EVZ switched to 33V 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 930F
EVZ switched to 23V
(default) 1001001111110000 93F0
EVZ switched to external
divider 1001001110010110 9396
CP-OUT switched to
high-ohmic state (default) 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 960F
CP-OUT switched to
low-impedance state 1001011011110000 96F0
K1 interface works as
ISO9141 or LIN interface
(depending on ISO/LIN bit
of initial programming)
1001100111110000 99F0
K1 interface works in LS
driver mode 1001100111111111 99FF
K1 switched to high-ohmic
state (default) 1001110011110000 9CF0
K1 switched to
low-impedance state 1001110011111111 9CFF
K2 interface works as
ISO9141 interface (default) 1001100100000000 9900
K2 interface works in LS
driver mode 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 990F
K2 switched to high-ohmic
state (default) 1001110000000000 9C00
K2 switched to
low-impedance state 1001110000001111 9C0F