ATA6264 [Preliminary]
22.3 Serial Interface Status Register

For all serial interface commands except the test-mode commands (55AAh, AA55h, 5500h), the

ATA6264 status is available at the MISO line. For the status register a 16-bit structure is used,

one bit for each information.

Table 22-10. Status Register

Byte A Byte B
a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 a0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Table 22-11. Information Provided by the Itemized Bits of the Status Register

Bit Set To Information
a7 High Chip temperature reports overtemperature
Low Chip temperature reports normal temperature
a6 High Overtemperature at K1 output
Low Normal temperature at K1 output
a5 High Overtemperature at K2 output
Low Normal temperature at K2 output
a4 High Latch for GKEY function is set
Low Latch for GKEY function is not set
a3 High EVZ switched to 33V, EVZ switched to external divider
Low EVZ switched to 23V
a2 High CP-OUT switch is low impedance
Low CP-OUT switch is high ohmic
a1 High CP-OUT voltage too low
Low CP-OUT voltage is in correct voltage range
a0 High CP voltage too low
Low CP voltage is in correct voltage range
b7 High Voltage at pin USP above detection threshold
Low Voltage at pin USP below detection threshold
b6 High GNDA or GNDB disconnected
Low GNDA and GNDB connected
b5 High Previously sent serial interface command was invalid (default after power-on reset)
Low Previously sent serial interface command was valid
b4 High Error during last serial interface transmission (default after power-on reset)
Low No error during last serial interface transmission
b3 High IC is in Test mode
Low IC is in Normal mode
b2 Reflects bit b2 of the watchdog prescaler
b1 Reflects bit b1 of the watchdog prescaler
b0 Reflects bit b0 of the watchdog prescaler