ATA6264 [Preliminary]
ISO 9141 Mode
16.23 Maximum baud rate KxfKx 62.5 kBd A
16.24 Propagation delay
TxDx= low to Kx=low
(x = 1, 2),
measured from TxDx
H to L to Kx = 0.9 × VK30
RKx = 510Ω to K30,
CKx = 470 pF to GNDB
KxtPDtL 1µsA
16.25 Propagation delay
TxDx=high to Kx=high
(x = 1, 2),
measured from TxDx
L to H to Kx = 0.1 ×VK30
RKx= 510Ω to K30,
CKx= 470 pF to GNDB
KxtPDtH 1µsA
16.26 Kx rise time
(x = 1, 2), measured from
0.1 ×VK30 to 0.9×VK30
RKx = 510Ω to K30,
CKx= 470 pF to GNDB
KxtKrise 3µsA
16.27 Kx fall time
(x = 1, 2), measured from
0.9 ×VK30 to 0.1×VK30
RKx=510Ω to K30,
CKx= 470 pF to GNDB
KxtKfall 3µsA
16.28 Propagation delay Kx=low
to RxDx = low
(x = 1, 2), measured from
Kx=0.4×VK30 to
KxtPDkL 4µsA
16.29 Propagation delay Kx=high
to RxDx=high
(x = 1, 2), from
Kx=0.6×VK30 to
xDx= L to H
KxtPDkH 4µsA
16.30 Symmetry of transmitter
(x = 1, 2),
Kfall) –
KxtSYM_Tx –1 1 µs A
16.31 Symmetry of receiver
propagation delay
(x = 1, 2),
PDkH KxtSYM_Rx –1 1 µs A
LIN Bus Mode (Necessary for Operation: VK30 = 8V to 18V)
16.32 Slew rate for rising and
falling edge
Measured between
high level = 0.8×VK30 and
low level = 0.2×VK30,
RK1=1kΩ to K30,
CK1= 3.3 nF to GNDB
K1dVK1/dt 1 3 V/µs A
16.33 Maximum baud rate K1tKx 20 kBd A
16.34 Propagation delay TxD1 low
to K1=low
Measured from TxD1
H-> L to K1 = 0.9×VK30
RK1 = 1 kΩ to K30,
CK1= 3.3 nF to GNDB
K1tPDtL 2.5 µs A
16.35 Propagation delay TxD1 high
to K1 = high
Measured from TxD1
L to H to K1 = 0.1×VK30
RK1=1kΩ to K30,
CK1= 3.3 nF to GNDB
K1tPDtH 2.5 µs A
16.36 Propagation delay K1 low to
RxD1 = low
Measured from
K1=0.4×VK30 to
K1tPDkL 4µsA
Table 17-1. Electrical Characteristics (Continued)–LIN/ISO 9141 InterfacesNo. Parameters Test Conditions Pin Symbol Min Typ. Max. Unit Type*
*) Type means: A = 100% tested, B = 100% correlation tested, C = Characterized on samples, D = Design parameter