ATA6264 [Preliminary]
13. USP Comparator for General PurposeThe USP comparator is used for general purposes, for example, low battery detection. An exter-
nal resistive voltage divider provides the input signal for pin USP. A missing USP connection or
VUSP < 2.44V sets the status register bit b7 to low. During normal operation (VUSP> 2.44V) the
status register bit b7 stays high.
Figure 13-1. Functional Principle of the USP Comparator
Necessary for operation:
VEVZ = 5.5V to 40V, VPERI > reset threshold, VCORE > reset threshold, VINT = 3.7V to 5.47V
Operating conditions of all other supply pins:
VSAT and VK30 are within functional range limits, Tj = –40°C to 150°C
Other pins:
As defined in Section 4. ”Functional Range” on page 8.
Status register
Table 13-1. Electrical Characteristics – USP Comparator for General Purpose
No. Parameters Test Conditions Pin Symbol Min Typ. Max. Unit Type*
12.1 Input current at pin USP VUSP = 2.44V USP IUSP –2.5 +2.5 µA A
12.2 Input current at pin USP VUSP = 0 to 40V USP IUSP –2.5 +2.5 µA A
12.3 Threshold voltage at pin USP
Trigger voltage for status
register bit 7= high with
increasing VUSP
USP VUSP 2.44 ±5% V A
12.4 De-glitching time tdeglitch 20 60 µs D
*) Type means: A = 100% tested, B = 100% correlation tested, C = Characterized on samples, D = Design parameter