Installing a New G700 with an S8300
Before Going to the Customer Site
Installation and Upgrades for G700 and S8300 107
December 2003
3At the Avaya support site, select the following sequence of links:
Software & Firmware Downloads
G700 Media Gateway & S8300 Media Server
Software Downloads
Avaya Communication Manager Software Updates for MV x.x.x (where x.x.x is the
release that is currently running on the S8300)
4Locate the file name that matches the load listed in your planning documentation. The file name
ends with .tar.gz (for example only, 03.0.526.5-5767.tar.gz).
5Double-click the file name. The system displays a File Download window.
6Click on Save this file to disk.
Save the file to an appropriate directory on your laptop.