8Connecting Telephones and Adjunct Systems
Call Center
338 Installation and Upgrades for G700 and S8300
December 2003
File portability to
multiple DEFINITY
or Communication
Manager servers
Yes Yes
Playback quality Toll quality Toll quality
Backup speed 2.6 seconds for each 60seconds
of announcement time 2.6 seconds for each 60seconds
of announcement time
Reliability High High
downloadable Yes Yes
Number of boards
per system 5 on the DEFINITY® CSI and
10 on the DEFINITY R and
S8500 or S8700 Media Server
10 per configuration
Announcements per
board 256 256
Maximum number
of announcements
in a configuration
128 DEFINITY Server CSI or
1,000 DEFINITY Server R
3,000 S8500, or S8700 Media
3,000 over multiple G700
Media Gateways
Format CCITT A-law or u-law CCITT A-law or u-law
Sample bits 8 8
Sample rate 8,000 KHz 8,000 KHz
Channels Mono Mono
Table 14: Comparison between the G700 Announcement software and the VAL circuit
pack Continued
Area description TN2501AP (VAL) circuit
pack Avaya G700 announcement
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