MSWU-81E 07/08/2013 3
and possible injury to the user.
• It is hazardous to operate without lens or shield. Lens es, shields or ultra violet screens shall be cha nged if they have
become visibly damaged to such an extent that the ir effectiveness is impaired. For exam ple by cracks or deep scratches.
• Warning: Protection from ultraviolet radiation: Do not look directly in the light beam. The lamp contained in this
product is an intense source of light and heat. One comp onent of the light emitted from this lamp is ultrav iolet light.
Potential eye and
skin hazards are present when the lamp is energized due to ultraviolet radiation. Avoid unn ecessary exposure. Protect
yourself and your employees by making them aware of the hazards and how to protect themselve s. Protecting the skin
can be accomplished by wearing tightly woven garment s and gloves. Protecting the eyes from UV can be accompl ished
by wearing safety glasses that are designed to provide U V protection. In addition to the UV, the visible light fro m the lamp
is intense and should also be considered when choo sing protective eye wear.
• Exposure to UV radiation: Some me dications are known to make individuals ext ra sensitive to UV radiation. The
American Conference of Governmental Industri al Hygienists (ACGIH) recommends occupational UV ex posure for an-8
hour day to be less than 0,1 micro-watts per square centimeters of effecti ve UV radiation. An evaluation of the workpl ace
is advised to assure employees are not exposed to cum ulative radiation levels exceeding these governm ent guidelines.
The exposer of this UV radiation is allowed for on ly 1 hour per day for maintenance and service pers ons.
• Mercury Vapor Warnings: Keep the following warnings in mind when using the projec tor. The lamp used in the projector
contains mercury. In case of a lamp rupture, explosio n there will be a mercury vapor emission. In o rder to minimize the
potential risk of inhaling mercury vapors:
- Ensure the projector is installed only in ventil ated rooms.
- Replace the lamp module before the end of its oper ational life.
- Promptly ventilate the room after a lamp rupture, explosi on has occurred, evacuate the room (particu larly in case of a
pregnant woman).
- Seek medical attention if unusual health cond itions occur after a lamp rupture, explosion, su ch as headache, fatigue,
shortness of breath, chest-tightening coughing or na usea.
To prevent fire hazard
• Do not place flammable or combustible materials n ear the projector!
• Barco large screen projection products a re designed and manufactured to meet the mo st stringent safety regulations.
This projector radiates heat on its external su rfaces and from ventilation ducts dur ing normal operation, which is both
normal and safe. Exposing flammable o r combustible materials into close proximity of thi s projector could result in the
spontaneous ignition of that material, resultin g in a fire. For this reason, it is absolutely necessar y to leave an “exclusion
zone” around all external surfaces of the proj ector whereby no flammable or combustibl e materials are present. The
exclusion zone must be not less than 50 cm (20”) for all DL P projectors. The exclusion zone on the lens sid e must be at
least 5 m. Do not cover the projector or the lens with any materia l while the projector is in operation. Keep flam mable
and combustible materials away from the projector at a ll times. Mount the projector in a well ventilated area away from
sources of ignition and out of direct sun light. N ever expose the projector to rain or moisture. In t he event of fire, use
sand, CO 2 or dry powder fire extinguishers. N ever use water on an electrical fire. Always have ser vice performed on this
projector by authorized Barco service pers onnel. Always insist on genuine Barco replaceme nt parts. Never use non-Barco
replacement parts as they may degrade the s afety of this projector.
• Slots and openings in this equipment are provi ded for ventilation. To ensure reliable operation of the proje ctor and to
protect it from overheating, these openings mus t not be blocked or covered. The openings should never b e blocked by
placing the projector too close to walls, or other si milar surface. This projector should never b e placed near or over a
radiator or heat register. This projector should not be pla ced in a built-in installation or enclosure unless pro per ventilation
is provided.
• Projection rooms must be well ventilated or cooled in o rder to avoid build up of heat.
• Let the projector cool down completely before storing. Re move cord from the projector when storing.
• Heat sensitive materials should not be placed in the path of th e exhausted air or on the lamp house.
To prevent projector damage
• This projector has been designed for use wit h a specific lamp (house) type. See installati on instructions for its correct t ype.
• The air filters of the projector must be cleaned or rep laced on regular base (a "clean" booth would be monthly-
minimum).Neglecting this could result in disru pting the air flow inside the projector, causing overheati ng. Overheating
may lead to the projector shutting down during o peration.
• The projector must always be installed in a m anner which ensures free flow of air into its air inlet s and unimpeded
evacuation of the hot air from its cooling system.
• In order to ensure that correct airflow is maintaine d, and that the projector complies with Elec tromagnetic Compatibility
(EMC)requirements, it should always be operated wi th all of it’s covers in place.
• Slots and openings in the cabinet are provide d for ventilation. To ensure reliable operation of the produc t and to protect it
from overheating, these openings must not be bl ocked or covered. The openings should never be blo cked by placing the
product on a bed, sofa, rug, or other simila r surface. This product should never be pla ced near or over a radiator or heat
register. The device should not be placed in a built-in installati on or enclosure unless proper ventilation is provid ed.