MSWU-81E 07/08/2013 41
8.2 ContrastThe contrast function is used to adjust th e contrast between the light and the dark areas of the d isplayed image. It applies a
gain to the red, green and blue signals.
Contrast adjustment can be done with the Cont rast key on the RCU or via the menu structure.
The following image illustrates the results of d irect contrast adjustment using a rando m image:
Lowered contrast Enhanced contrast Original image
8.3 BrightnessThe brightness function is used to adju st the black level in the input picture. It adds or s ubtracts an offset, or bias in to the
red, green and blue signals.
Brightness adjustment can be done with t he Brightness key on the RCU or via the menu stru cture.
It is recommended that you adjust the image to the foll owing status:
• The darkest black bar of the image should disappear into the background.
• The dark gray area should be barely visible.
• The light gray area should be clearly visible.
• The white area should appear real and mellow.
• The image should only display black, gray and white (with no other colors).
Contrast and Brightness are interrelated options that a ffect one another; when you adjust one of them, you
might have to fine tune other settings to get the best proj ection results.
The following image illustrates the results of d irect brightness adjustment using a ra ndom image:
Reduced brightness Enhanced brightness Original image