MSWU-81E 07/08/2013
8.4 SharpnessThe adjustment of sharpness primaril y changes the value of high frequency d etail. You can connect the projector to an
external image source to display an image resembl ing the one shown below to adjust the image sharp ness.
The following image illustrates the res ults of direct sharpness adjustm ent using a random image:
Reduced sharpness Enhancedsharpness Original image
8.5 Noise ReductionUse to adjust the noise of the projected image. This functio n is suitable for the elimination of image nois e from
interleaving SD input.Generally speaking, red ucing image noise will lower the value of high f requency detail and make the
image appear more mellow.
noise reduction
8.6 Color TemperatureYou can choose from 3200K, 5400K, 6 500K, 9300K and Native.
Color temperature refers to the change in light color u nder different energies that is perceived by the naked eye.The change of
color temperature from low to high for visible light go es from orange red white blue
The projector’s default color temperature is set at 6500K a nd it is suitable for most situations.A s color temperature rises, the
image will appear to be more blue; as it decreases, the i mage will appear redder.When you choose “Native”, the projector
will disable the white adjustment func tion of the input device.