12. Configurator, Warping
12.3 Warp with commands
12.3.1 Status
The status of the warping board can be seen next to Warping board.
On : warping board enabled
Off : warping board disabled
Not present : no warping board inserte d in the device
Image 12-3
How to enable - disable the warping board
1. Toenable the war ping board, check the check box in front of Enable Warping Board.
When enabled, all other commands become available.
Availability of adjustments
Depending on the rst adjusted adjustment, other adjustments are available o rd isabled.
E.g. when rst keystone is adjusted, all oth er adjustments are disabled.
12.3.2 Reset
Reset values
Click on Reset values to reset the current warp values to its default values .
Reset warping board
The complete warping board is reset. At the same time th is board is disabled.
12.3.3 Keystone
What can be done ?
Horizontal and Vertical Keystone adjustment of the image is used to align the image when the device
is mounted at a non standard projection angle. When adjusting a keystone with the warp board, only
pincushioncorrection is still possible with the warpingboard. Allother adjustmentsare blanked out.
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