13. Configurator, Warp User Interface
13.2 About the Floater menu

Overview and functions

Depending on the selection, the Floater menu can have a different look.
Image 13-2
1 Function selection
Manipulate nodes: nodes can be indiv idually moved.
Manipulate hard edges: a horizontal and/or vertical hard edge can be in troduced where nodes
cannot move.
2Increase button to increase the number of active nodes for a more detailed adjustmen t.
3Decrease button to decrease the number of active nodes for a more coarse adjustment
4 Reset grid button. The complete grid is r eset to its original position.
5Add horizontal hard edge. No adjust ments on this line are possible.
6 Add vertical hard edge. No adjus tments on this line are possible.
7Remove active hard edge.
8Coordinates of active node.
9Deviation from its original position in percentage.
Green numerals: deviation is within the range of the Warp board an dc an be processed.
Yellownumeral s: warning state. Not sure that the Warp board can proce ss this deviation.
Red numerals: error state. Warp board cannot process this deviation.
10 Status icon of active node.
: normal status. The deviation of the active node i sles stha n10 %. Position of active node can
be processedby the warping board.
: warning status. The deviation of the active node is between 10 and 20%. There can be
problems while processing this position.
: error status. The dev iation of the active node is bigger than 20%. The possibility exist that
the warping board cannot process this position.
11 Moving the activeeld i n the grid.
12 Movingtheactivenodeintheact
ive eld or moving the active hard edge in the grid.
13 Step setup. The number of pixelsanactivenodecanbemovedinatypicaldirection.Thesmaller
the number the ner the adjustment.
14 Status indication of the compl ete grid. If somewhere on the grid a node has an error or warning
status, then the status of the complete grid will show this status.
normal status. All nodes ha ve the normal status.
warning status : at least one node in the grid has a war ning status.
error status : at least one node in the g rid has an error status.
15 Fast preview of the warping conguration. Only possi ble when connected with the device.
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