•Edit: Used to edit the Phone Book data for this contact. For information on editing, see page 39.
8If you do not wish to save a modified Phone Book record,
press or
(Back) to abort.
•Copy to SIM (Phone): If you are currently using a phone book stored in the phone's memory, you can copy the contact's data to the phone book stored on your SIM card. Conversely, if you are currently using a phone book stored on your SIM card, you can copy the contact's data to the phone book stored in the phone's memory.
•Delete: Erases the contact's data from the Phone Book.
•Send: Dial the currently highlighted number.
Using a Location Number to Access a Contact's Data
/A contact's location number represents the position where this contact's data is stored in the phone book on your SIM card or in your phone's memory.
Location number
To access data for a contact while the phone is in standby mode,
enter the location number for this contact, and then press . The display will show the data for the contact stored at this location.