•Save the phone number from which the message was sent (the number shown on the display in the "Sender Info" item) to the Phone Book.
•Save the phone number displayed in the message's contents. (the option for a directly displayed number).
•If the message is an EMS message with an attached picture or ring tone, you can save these objects to your phone's memory (such as by selecting the option for "Picture/Animation" shown on the display). Depending on the type of the object, the phone will save it to the corresponding EMS object library in the Multimedia menu. For example, if the object is an EMS animation, it will be saved to an available position in the Multimedia → Animation menu where you can use it in composing future messages.
8If you are saving a picture or animation, you can select the
Save as Wallpaper option, setting it as the wallpaper for the standby screen.
8If you are saving a melody, you can also select the Save as
Ring Tone option, setting it as the ring tone that will play when there is an incoming call.
8For details on the Multimedia menu, see page 126.