•If there is a flashing icon on the external display, and the main display
shows a red icon , this means that the SIM card's message memory is full. When the SIM card's memory is full, your phone will not be able to receive any new messages. If this has occurred, when you go to the Messages menu, the display will show a "SIM Full!" message to remind you of the current situation.
•If the number of messages stored in the phone's memory has reached 500, when you enter the Messages menu, the "Message Full!" screen will appear. If there is less than 1K remaining in the phone's memory, the "Memory Insufficient!" screen will appear. In either of these two situations, any messages received will be saved to the SIM card, and you will no longer be able to edit any messages.
•In the Messages menu, the number (such as "(1)", "(3)") following the name of each message folder represents the number of messages saved in that folder.
The items in the Messages menu are as follows:
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