Digital Congress Network DCN Automatic Camera Control
Page 2-5 Software User Manual
The Help menu
The ‘Help’menu in the title bar contains commands for an on-screen help
facility. This help facility contains information on all commands in the
menu bar, on which keyboard keys are functional, a description of how to
use the DCN Automatic Camera Control software, information on how to
use the ‘Help’facility itself, plus an index and a glossary of terms. All infor-
mation contained in this user manual can also be found in the ‘Help’ facili-
The ‘Help’ facility contains the following options:
• Index
• Keyboard
• Commands
• Procedures
• Glossary
Using Help
• About...
To access the index:
• Select the ‘Help’menu and click on ‘Index’.
A full list of subjects covered by the ‘Help’ facility is given in alphabetical
order. For more information on any subject contained in the index:
• Click on the required subject in the index.
An on-screen page with the requested information will appear.
This gives information on which keys on your keyboard can be used with
the DCN Automatic Camera Control software. This includes using keys to
activate menu items, to move around in dialogue boxes, for short-cuts, and
to select options from the main window. To access the ‘Keyboard’ help
• Select the ‘Help’ menu and click on ‘Keyboard’.