File menu
The ‘File’ menu covers clearing, printing, importing, exporting and termi- nating the application. The menu consists of the following items:
•Clear all allows the user to clear the camera assignments list (refer to page
•Print... allows the user to print up to nine copies of a Camera Installa- tion file (refer to page
•Import... allows the user to import camera configuration data into the DCN Automatic Camera Control software (refer to page
•Export... allows the user to export camera configuration data out of the
ADCN Automatic Camera Control software (refer to page
• Exit terminates DCN Automatic Camera Control (refer to page
This option allow the user to specify camera control settings including screenline usage, camera override, camera movement time and the number of audience monitors.
This option determines whether or not you use an Allegiant video switcher.
Camera List!...
This option allow the user to view the cameras which have been assigned to seat (or unit) numbers. It can also be used to delete assigned cameras.
Help menu
The ‘Help’ menu manages the
•Index provides the user with an alphabetical list of subjects covered by the help facility (refer to page
•Keyboard provides the user with information on which keyboard keys can be used with the software (refer to page
•Commands provides the user with information on all options contained in the file menu (refer to page
•Procedures provides the user with information on how to use the soft- ware (refer to page
•Glossary provides the user with an alphabetical list of terms used in the help facility (refer to page
•Using Help provides the user with information on how to use the help facility (refer to page
•About... displays the dialogue box with software release information (refer to page
DCN Automatic Camera Control | Digital Congress Network |
Software User Manual | Page |