DLP Projjecttor—User’’s Manuall
PC Control Codes and Cable Connections
This projector provides a function to control and monitor the projector's operations by using the RS- 232C serial port.
Connect a
Launch a communication software pro- vided with PC and setup the communication condition as follows:
Baud rate | : 38400 bps |
Parity check | : none |
Stop bit | : 1 |
Flow control | : none |
Data bit | : 8 |
Minimum delay for next command: 1ms
Type the command for controlling the projector and then enter the "Enter" key.
When you want to change the input to Computer 2, Type “C” “0” “6” “Enter.”
The below table shows the typical command lists for controlling the projector. Please consult your lo- cal dealer for further information of another commands.
PC Control Connector (DIN-9P)
1.Pin 1, 4, 6 and 9 are not used.
2.Jumper “Request to Send” and “Clear to Send” together on both ends of the cable to simplify the cable connection.
3.For long cables, it is recommended to set communication speed within projector menus to 9600 bps.
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