POISONOUSGAS HAZARD. Engine exhaust contains carbon
monoxide,a poisonous gas that could kill you i n minutes. You
CANNOTsee it, smell it, or taste it. Even if you do not smell exhaust
fumes,you could still be exposed to carbon monoxide gas. If you star t
tofeel sick, dizzy, or weak while using this product, shut it off and get
tofresh air RIGHT AWAY.See a doctor. You may have carbon
Operatethis product ONLY outside far away from windows, doors and vents to
reducethe risk of carbon monoxide gas from accumulating and potentially being
drawntowards occupied spaces.
Installbattery--operated carbon monoxide alarms or plug--incarbon monoxide
alarmswith battery back-up according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Smokealarms cannot detect carbon monoxide gas.
DONOT run this product inside homes, garages, basements, crawlspaces,
sheds,or other partially-enclosed spaces even if using fans or opening doors
andwindows for ventilation. Carbon monoxide can quickly build up in these
spacesand can linger for hours, even after this product has shut off.
ALWAYSplace this product downwind and point the engine exhaust away from
NOTICE:This engine was shipped from Briggs & Stratton without oil. Before you start
theengine, make sure you add oil according to the instructions in this manual. If you
startthe engine without oil, it will be damaged beyond repair and will not be covered
Note:Some engines and equipment have remote controls. See the equipment manual
forlocation and operation of remote controls.
1. Checkthe oil level. See the How To Check/Add Oil section.
2. Makesure equipment drive controls, if equipped, are disengaged.
3. Turnthe fuel shut-off valve (A), if equipped, to the on position (Figure 4).
4. Movethe throttle control (B)tothefast position.Operatethe engine in the fast
5. Pullout the choke control (C), if equipped, to the choke position.
Note:To start the engine with a dry fuel system (first time starting or after running out
offuel), additional cranking time in the choke positionwill be required. This will
givethe fuel pump time to prime the fuel system.
6. Pushthe stop switch (D), if equipped, to the on position.
7. Turnthe electric start switch (E) to the on/start position (Figure 4).
8. Ifthe engine fires but will not continue to run, move the choke control (C)totherun
positionto start the engine.
NOTICE:To extend the life of the starter, use short starting cycles (five seconds
maximum).Wait one minute between starting cycles.
Note:If the engine does not start after repeated attempts, go to
VanguardEngines.comor call 1-800-999-9333 (in USA).
9. Asthe engine warms up, move the choke control (C)totherun position.
How ToStop The Engine - Figure 4
Fueland its vapors are extremely flammable and explosive.
Fireor explosion can cause severe burns or death.
Donot choke the carburetor to stop engine.
1. Movethe throttle control to the slow position, turn the key switch (E) to the off
position(Figure 4). Remove the key and keep in a safe place out of the reach of
2. Pushthe stop switch (D), if equipped, to the off position.
3. Afterthe engine stops, turn the fuel shut-off valve (A), if equipped, to the closed
MaintenanceWerecommend that you see any Briggs & Stratton Authorized Dealer for all
maintenanceand service of the engine and engine parts.
NOTICE:All the components used to build this engine must remain in place for proper
WARNING: Whenperforming maintenance that requires the unit to be
tipped,the fuel tank must be empty or fuel can leak out and result in a fire or
Maintenance,replacement, or repair of the emissions control devices and systems
maybe performed by any non-road engine repair establishment or indivi dual.
However,to obtain “no charge” emissions control service, the work must be performed
bya factory authorized dealer. See the Emissions Warranty.
Unintentionalsparking can result in fire or electric shock.
Unintentionalstart-up can result in entanglement, traumatic
amputation,or laceration.
Beforeperforming adjustments or repairs:
Disconnectthe spark plug wire and keep it away from the spark plug.
Disconnectbattery at negative terminal (only engines with electric start.)
Useonly correct tools.
Donot tamper with governor spring, links or other parts to increase engine
Replacementparts must be of the same design and installed in the same
positionas the original parts. Other parts may not perform as well, may damage
theunit, and may result in injury.
Donot strike the flywheel with a hammer or hard object because the flywheel
maylater shatter during operation.
Whentesting for spark:
Useapproved spark plug tester.
Donot check for spark with spark plug removed.
First5 Hours
Checkengine oil level
Cleanarea around muffler and controls
Every100 Hours or Annually
Cleanor change air filter *Y
Changeengine oil and filter
Cleanpre-cleaner (if equipped) *
Replacespark plug
Checkmuffler and spark arrester
Every250 Hours or Annually
Checkvalve clearance. Adjust if necessary.
Every400 Hours or Annually
Changeair filter Y
Replacefuel filter
Cleanair cooling system *
Cleanoil cooler fins *
Every600 Hours or Annually
Changesafety filter (if equipped)
*Industy conditions or when airborne debris is present, clean more often.
YEverythird air filter change, change the inner safety filter (if equipped).
CarburetorAnd Engine Speed Adjustment
Nevermake adjustments to the carburetor or engine speed. The carburetor was set at
thefactory to operate efficiently under most conditions. Do not tamper with the governor
spring,linkages, or other parts to change the engine speed. If any adjustments are
requiredcontact a Briggs & Stratton Authorized Service Center for service.
NOTICE:The equipment manufacturer specifies the maximum speed for the engine as
installedon the equipment. Do not exceed this speed. If you are unsure what the
equipmentmaximum speed is, or what the engine speed is set to from the factory,
contacta Briggs & Stratton Authorized Service Center for assistance. For safe and
properoperation of the equipment, the engine speed should be adjusted only by a
qualifiedservice technician.
Not for