U S I N G T H E M U L T I - F U N C T I O N L I N K S O F T W A R E ( F O R M F C 1 8 7 0 M C A N D M F C 1 9 7 0 M C O N L Y )





4Enter the name and fax number of the recipient or select the Open Phone Book... button and choose a name. Select Close to return to the Send Fax dialog box.

5Select the Send cover page check box to include a cover page.

6Select the Send Fax button.

Receiving Faxes into the PC

See Using the MFC 1870MC and MFC 1970MCwith Your PC

To receive faxes into your PC through the MFC, you must first connect your MFC to your computer. Then, you can load the software.

Before You Begin

Use the following checklists for the MFC and PC, to make sure you have properly set up the MFC and PC to work together.