L i f e B o o k S S e r i e s – S e c t i o n T w o
Flexible Bay
Flexible Bay Eject Lever
Figure 2-17 Flexible Bay
Flexible Bay Devices
Your Fujitsu LifeBook notebook contains a Flexible Bay. The Flexible Bay can accommodate a modular DVD drive,
Your Flexible Bay will have one of the following devices installed. These devices are also optional which can be purchased separately. (Figure
■Modular DVD drive: This allows you to access movies, software and audio DVD/CDs.
The following are also Flexible Bay optional devices which can be purchased separately. (Figure
■Modular SuperDisk drive: This is an optional 120MB floppy disk drive made by Imation, for use with your notebook.
■Modular PC Card slot adapter: This allows you to use an additional Type II PC Card.
■Modular Lithium Ion battery: This is a rechargeable battery that can be used to power your notebook when an adapter is not connected.
■Weight Saver: This is used to fill the bay when no device is needed.
■Modular Digital Bay Camera: This is a Digital Camera that can be used to take digital stills or video.
PC Card Slot Adapter
SuperDisk 120 Drive
DVD Drive/
Lithium Ion Battery
Weight Saver
Digital Bay Camera
Figure 2-18 Flexible Bay Devices