Port Statistics
When Port Statistics is selected and the port number of a TS port is entered, the following options are listed:
—General Statistics
—802.3 Statistics
—Virtual Port Statistics
The available information is discussed in the following sections.
General Statistics
When General Statistics is selected on the Port Statistics, the screen shows the number of frames and bytes received, forwarded and transmitted on the TS port. These numbers include traffic for all virtual ports. The screen is automatically updated every five seconds.
Frame and Byte Counters
The following frame and byte counters are defined:
Frames received from TS, but not necessarily forwarded.
Frames received from TS and forwarded to other ports in the switch.
Frames transmitted to TS.
The number of frames received, forwarded or transmitted. The number is subdivided into the NSR, SRF, STE and ARE frames, as explained on page 49. For received frames it is also subdivided into unicast, broadcast and multicast frames, explained on page 49.
The total number of bytes in frames. The byte count includes all bytes from AC up to and including the FCS field. Note that the forwarded byte count can be lower than the received byte count even though all frames are forwarded. This is because the VLAN frame tag is removed before a frame is forwarded.
NSR Frames
Number of Non-Source Routed frames.
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