Message Error Code Cause Action
(COLOR INK EMPTY)— The Colour BJ tank in
the Colour BJ cartridge
is empty or its ink may
have dried out.
Clean the BJ cartridge print
head (→ p. 12-11). If the
message remains in the LCD,
replace the Colour BJ tank
(→ p. 12-15). The unit will
then print automatically any
faxes received in memory.
CONVERT CLR>B&W? — The unit is conf ir ming
that it is all right to
convert a colour
document to black &
white and print it with
the Black BJ cartridge.
Press T to convert the colour
document to black & white
and print, or press # to
DOC. TOO LONG #003 The document is l onger
than 1 metre. Use a copier to make a
reduced copy of the document
and then send the copy.
ECM RX — The unit is receiving a
fax using Error
Correction Mode (ECM).
ECM receptions may take
longer than normal receptions.
Turn off ECM if you need to
receive quickly, or if you know
your local lines are in good
condition. (→ ECM RX,
p. 14-7)
ECM TX — The uni t i s sending a fax
using Error Correction
Mode (ECM).
ECM transmissions may take
longer than normal
transmissions. Turn off ECM if
you need to transmit quickly,
or if you know your local lines
are in good condition. (→ ECM
TX, p. 14-7)
INSTALL BC-21e — You tried to make a
colour copy with the
installed Black BJ
Replace the BJ cartridge with
the Colour BJ cartridge.
(→ p. 12-12)